What should you know about Port-Burgas Swimming Marathon:

The swimming marathon has two established distances - 1000 and 3000 meters, which have a separate start. Each competitor is obliged to declare in advance the distance in which he will participate. This year, every participant can participate in both distances. Всеки състезател е длъжен предварително да заяви дистанцията в която ще участва. Тази година всеки участник може да участва и в двете дистанции. 

The route is extremely attractive to observe from land. The competition distance has a triangular shape and a perimeter of 1000 meters. This means that competitors who participate in 1000 meters must do 2 complete laps of 500 meters on the course, and those in 3000 meters - 6 complete laps of 500 m laps. The course is a closed circuit with the start and finish being in the same place. You can see more information about the route in the DISTANCES AND ROUTE menu.  
2 пълни обиколки по 500 метра на трасето, а тези на 3000 метра – 6 пълни обиколки по 500 м обиколки.

Трасето е със затворен контур като стартът и финалът са на едно и също място.

Повече информация относно трасето можете да видите в меню ДИСТАНЦИИ И ТРАСЕ.

The marathon has its uniqueness because

➡️ The place we have chosen for the marathon is characterized by its calm waters throughout the summer season;
➡️ The safety of the competitors will be ensured both in the water and on land
➡️ The whole race can be watched from land.